NYC Local Law 145

NYC Local Law 39

NYC Local Law 40

NYC Local Law 41

NYC Local Law 42

NYC Local Law 77

NYC DEP Air & Noise

NYS Clean Air

CT Diesel Retrofits

NJ State Law

NYS Clean Air Law & Fix NYC Air & Noise to NYCDEP Air

A11340 Summary:
BILL NO A11340
SAME AS Same as S 8185
COSPNSR DiNapoli, Galef, Eddington, Colton, Bradley, Paulin, Rivera P
MLTSPNSR Benedetto, Boyland, Brodsky, Cahill, Cohen A, Cook, Destito, Diaz R, Dinowitz, Farrell, Fields, Gianaris, Glick, Gottfried, Hooper, Jacobs Lavine, Lupardo, Mayersohn, Millman, Nolan, Peoples, Robinson, Rosenthal, Sweeney Add S19-0323, En Con L
Relates to the use of ultra low sulfur fuel and best available technology in state owed heavy duty diesel vehicles or heavy duty diesel vehicles under contract with the state.

A11340 Actions:
BILL NO A11340

05/15/2006 referred to environmental conservation
05/23/2006 reported referred to ways and means
06/13/2006 reported referred to rules
06/15/2006 reported
06/15/2006 rules report cal.845
06/15/2006 ordered to third reading rules cal.845
06/19/2006 passed assembly
06/19/2006 delivered to senate
06/23/2006 SUBSTITUTED FOR S8185
06/23/2006 3RD READING CAL.2232
06/23/2006 PASSED SENATE
08/04/2006 delivered to governor
08/16/2006 signed chap.629

A11340 Memo:

An act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to use of ultra low sulfur fuel and best available technology in state owned heavy duty diesel vehicles or heavy duty diesel vehicles under contract with the state

Section 1 entitles this legislation the "Diesel Emission Reduction Act 2006", Section 2 lays out the legislative findings, Section 3 amends the environmental conservation law adding a new section 19-0323 requiring the use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel and the best available technology by the state, section 4 establishes severability and section 5 sets the effective date.

Diesel exhaust particle pollution is a clear and present health threat to New Yorkers. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, diesel exhaust particles are a likely lung cancer agent diesel exhaust is also the prime contributor to airborne fine particle pollution which is linked to premature death, asthma attacks, and cardiovascular disease. Diesel exhaust is also a contributor to formation of ground level ozone; a powerful respiratory irritant that is linked to premature death, asthma attacks and can damage the lung tissue of children. Nearly ninety-percent of New Yorkers live in an area that fails to meet federal health standards for ozone. The counties of Westchester, Orange, Rockland, Bronx, Kings, Queens, New York, Richmond, Nassau and Suffolk are also listed as being out of attainment for the fine particle federal health standard. New York State consumes over 48 million gallons of diesel fuel each year and owns or operates through contract thousands of diesel-powered vehicles. By requiring that both the state fleet of heavy duty vehicles and the fleets of businesses doing work for the state use the best retrofit technology and ultra low sulfur fuel, the state will address the public health threat posed by combustion of diesel fuel.

New bill.

Any fiscal implications of retrofitting vehicles will be offset by savings in health costs attributable to reductions in airborne fine particulate matter and ozone. In addition, companies in New York State that make devices to control diesel tailpipe emissions could see increase in sales which would generate general fund revenues and increased economic develop opportunities.

This act shall take effect on the one hundred and eightieth day after it shall have become law.